
Modern SQL Window Function



Over allows us to break down our aggregate functions, it is often used for running totals.

Partition by

Partition by allows us to further subdivide the preceding Over Command, it is often used for running totals of types or classes of iterms.

Preceding and Following

Preceding and Following allow us to perform aggregate functions on the rows just before and after the current row.

select name, sum(weight) over (order by weight DESC ROWS between unbounded preceding and current row) as running_total_weight from cats order by running_total_weight

Use Unbounded Preceding to make sure you don’t include extra rows if 2 rows evaluate to the same thing.


name time row_number rank dense_rank
andy 101 1 1 1
bob 103 2 2 2
cedric 104 3 3 3
dave 104 4 3 3
eric 108 5 5 4
name time percent_rank cume_dist
andy 101 0 0.2
bob 103 0.25 0.4
cedric 104 0.5 0.8
dave 104 0.5 0.8
eric 108 1 1
select row_number() over (order by color,name) as unique_number, name, color from cats

select row_number() over (partition by color order by name) as unique_number, name, color from cats

rank() lets us index the ordered items. Unlike row_number() it allows duplicate numbers. dense_rank() differs from rank() as it increases sequentially.

percent_rank() scores everything from 0-1 allowing us to generate distributions or percentiles. cume_dist() is similar to percent_rank(). The difference is the first entry in cume_dist is not 0.


select name, time,
lag(time, 1) over (order by time) as time_of_person_infront_of_me,
lead(time, 1) over (order by time) - time as how_much_i_was_infront_of_ther_person_behind_me
FROM runners order by time

select name, time,
nth_value(time, 3) over (order by time) - time as to_go_faster_to_make_podium,
nth_value(time, 2) over (order by time RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as time_of_second_runner,
ntile(2) over (order by time) as which_half
FROM runners order by time;

select name, weight, coalesce(weight - lag(weight, 1) over (order by weight), 0) as weight_to_lose FROM cats order by weight

select name, breed, weight, coalesce(weight - lag(weight, 1) over (partition by breed order by weight), 0) as weight_to_lose from cats order by weight, name

select name, weight, breed, coalesce(cast(lead(weight, 1) over (partition by breed order by weight) as varchar), 'fattest cat') as next_heaviest from cats order by weight
-- lead() can also work inside a cast

select name, weight, coalesce(nth_value(weight, 4) over (order by weight), 99.9) as imagined_weight from cats order by weight

select distinct(breed), nth_value(weight, 2) over ( partition by breed order by weight RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING ) as imagined_weight from cats order by breed;

first_value() (and nth_value()) allow us to select the first value of a subgroup.



select breed, avg(weight) as average_weight, avg(weight) filter (where age > 1) average_old_weight from cats group by breed order by breed

Array Agg

select color, array_agg(name) as names from cats group by color order by color desc

array_agg() allows us to group our data together.


select name, weight, ntile(2) over ntile_window as by_half, ntile(3) over ntile_window as thirds, ntile(4) over ntile_window as quart from cats window ntile_window AS ( ORDER BY weight) order by weight, name

Use of Window can simplify some of our complex queries.